Monday, May 12, 2008

Feature Wall

Ni gambar masa aku dgn member aku buat rumah customer hari tu.. Tampal wallpaper utk feature wall. Apa tu feature wall? Nnti, aku update in the next entry.. But I believe ramai yang dah tau :)


Anonymous said...

Mama suka tengok rumah orang yang ada wallpaper, tapi bila tiba rumah sendiri, macam tak mau pulak. Biar plain. Rasa macam nampak luas sket rumah..hehehe.. betullah old pesen kan!
Anyway, all the best in your business ya...

wallpapersdeco said...

thanks mamafami.. yes, the choice is yours.. actually, tak semestinya guna wallpaper umah nampak sempit.. it depends on corak wallpapers yg kite pilih..

Portia said...

Nice work,congratulations!