Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Plaza See Hoy Chan

Venue: Office at Plaza See Hoy Chan, Level 9
Duration: 3 days for 7 rooms

Enjoy the photos!

p/s: aku malas nak type.. hehe.


ladylikeme said...

kalau kat toilet..wallpaper jenis aper yang sesuai..nak tanye jek....jgn marah yek

Whitetulip Tales said...

I suka suasana yg cozy...a bit english style...and mix with cotemporary view. how ah??

wallpapersdeco said...

ladylikeme - kalau toilet kering je boleh pasang wallpaper.. kalau basah, xboleh la, kak..

whitetulip - kak, saya bukan interior designer... tapi, setakat bagi pandangan boleh la.. :P english style, warna2 dia lebih kepada pastel like pink, yellow.. sometimes bercorak bunga2.. contemporary view, this is more to modern.. so, akak boleh tgk entry2 yang saya post.. sbb kebanyakannya modern style gitu.. utk khidmat nasihat yg lebih accurate, akak kena refer to ID.. thanks for asking..